Rental Conditions


With this contract the lessor ERSEZ INSAAT TURZ. OTO SAN. VE TÍC. LTD. STI. Has agreed to rent the vehice described in this contract (here referred as the vehicle) to the renter whose name and address are given the renter

agrees to deciare and to verity that the wehice wil be used pursuant to the condiions (rental period retum slation etc.)

Stipulated in the contract pay the rental amount and accept the present general sales conditions By signing this contract

(he Renter agrees on the rosponstites related to himhesel and af responsbies that may arse from hisher

actions Al notifications sent to the adress stated by the renter are considered valid.

  1. That the Renter will refur the vehicle with complete Set of tyres (5 tyres) documents, accessories and equipment to ERSEZ station in the own where the said wehicle was rented latest by the date All extension request must be made to the lessor and said approval is required.
  2. That the Renter agrees the vehicle was received in working and good condions and that there are no traces of damage of accident on the vehicle (except orthose stipulated on the rental agreement.
  3. Thai the vehicle used by the Renter and indicated here above is covered by collision insurance in accordance with the law The vehicle is also insured against property damage, fire and then The Renter's responsibilities may change according to the vehicle group This informations is provided in the tarill This responsibility may be waived by the Renter by making and additional payment per day depending upon the vehicle group, However. the renter is responsible for paying the full damage that occours on the vehicles bodwork as a result of a bridge balcony, tree brunch or any other oject located above such height, evanthough the Renter may have purchased cailision Damage Waiver (CDV) Apart from this. The Renter accepts the responsibilty for damage to the vehicle and the accompanying costs under the following conditions eventhough the CDW is purchased a-if the licensed driver is under the influence of alcohol and or drugs,

bif the legal speed limit is violated (the accident report stipulates that the accident occurred a result of excess speed).

if a traffic accident and alcohol report is not obtained. if the vehicle is driven in vialation of traffic regulations.

4-That the vehicle shall not be operated in the following manner. a-To carry passengers or property for a consideration express or implied b-To propel or tow any vehicle or trailer.

c-To transport goods in violation of Customs Regulations or in any other ilegal manner, d-By any person driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

e-To carry any equipment or load that exceeds the vehicle's capacity and damages the vehicle in motorsports events including racing, pacemaking, railying, refability and speed testing.

g-On road conditions against the appropriateness of the vehicle technical specifications described by the producer or on off road.

5-That the vehicle,

a.Shall be driven by the person whosen name appears who has in possession of a drivers license or a minimum length of 1 (one year the licence number must be indicated.

b. The driver shall be over the minimum requirements which are staled in the Driver's Licence and age limits

section of the General Rental Terms and Conditions tariff.

c.The vehicle can also be driven by the person an who are registered on the contract at the beginning of the renta period and meet the conditions this contract.

d-the renter is responsible for ensuring that any person who is allowed to drive the rental vehicle fully complies with all the conditions of this contract.

6-That the ronter is rosponsible for meeting all costs mentioned below

a. The rental amount calculated on a daily basis according to the current price list.

b.The renter is responsible for paying of demend Colision Damage Waiver (if any) Theft protection (if any) tho applicable One-Way Fee (f any) and the laxes as determined by law Due to the fact that the vehicle sball be retumed with a full tank of petrol Otherwise, tho refueling and service charge will be demanded from the renter. the event of an accident, if the renter has not purchased CDW the renter is responsible for paying the cost of damage. the event of an accident, if the renter has received a fine for driving under the influence of alcohol andior drugs or for any other violent-behaviour (trafic excessive, speed etc.) The lessor has the righy to ask for the full cost of repairs and all costs incurred there of the beginnig of the rental a deposit just above the original rental amount will be collected from the renter.

e. If the vehicle is stolen and the renter has not purchased Theft protection (TP) the renter is responsible for paying the updated cost ot the stolen vehicle or for any its components fully

7-This Renter agress further to protect the interests of the Lessor and its insurance. company in case of an accident by taking all the necessary precautions by

a. Obtaining names and addressers of parties involved and of Witnesses the events of a two-way accident obtainning) photocopies of the drivers licenses registration and traffic insurance-poilcies, the necessary information (driver licence number, where the license was issued, traffic isurance policy number and the name of the insurance company etc.) of all the parties involved c.Not abandoning liability or fault.

d.Not abandoning the vehicle without making sure its safe and secured

eNotifying the police immediately if any indicidual has been injured, dead or damage which has been involved in .Forwarding the accident report to ERSEZ station where the vehicle was oniginally collected within 24 hours.

  1. That the Lessor cannot be held responsible for the lose or damage to the personal belongings of the renter lef or transported in the vehicle the renter hereby cannot take any action against lessor from any of the above stated matters like charges complaints.
  2. That the vehicle is not used the renter is responsibie for taking all necessary precautions by locking the doors and parking in a safe place to prevent the vehicle from theft and stopping the vehicle from causing any accident

the vehicle is stoien, the renter wil not be responsible # TP (Thett protection) insurance is bought. TPinsuranc

will be valid only if it is proved that all necessary secunty prcautions were taken and the officiais are informed.

  1. The since the Lessor is not the manufacturer of the vehicle it cannot be hele responsible for any loss or injury that may occur due to any mechanical production failure reiated to the vehicle or any of its components of for any
  2. All kinds of property and medical expenses for either the passengers in the car or the third parties has limits that are described in the compulsory Thirt Party Liability Insurance policy. The renter is responsible for amounts exceeding the above mentioned limits.
  3. That the Renter has the full responsibility of the other passengers and cargo carried
  4. That the Renter must obey the traffic regulations and the law force. The driver or Renter cannot declare ignorance of these responsibilities. The Renter is responsible for any fines or expenses that may arise from

violations of these regulations.

14-That- if the renter does not comply with any the causes of this contract in particular. If the vehicle is not returned on the agreed date. The Renter recognises the Lessor's right to take back the aforementioned vehice without prior notification. The Lessor is not considered liable far any damage or expenses that may occur during the vehicle's collection. The Lessor is not considered lable for the loss or damage to any boiongings of the renter during the collection of the vehicle. However the Lessor will take all necessary precautions to safe guard the Interests of the Renter.

17-That should the Renter purchase Accident Insurance the Renter shall obtain full coverange under the terms of the policy

a-Help the passengers involved in the accident.

b-In the event that vehicle becomes inoperable the exchange of tho vehicle and other advantages

  1. The invoices shall be paid cash upon receipt it case of non payment The monthly interest rate at the time will be charged over the outstading amount,
  2. That any addition or alteration to these terms and conditions wil nol be vaid unless agreed officially in written format by both parties.
  3. Thai the Renter agrees on paying monthy penaly of 15% on top of the orginal bil amount for the delay in

payment without prior notice

  1. That the Renter agrees ERSEZ is entitled to have the provisional distrant and precautionary measures taken unless the total bal is due.
  2. in this long-term agreement covered by law 2918 and paragraph 3 the deemed to be acing as the undertaker

party, All disputes arising from this agreement will be settled by courts Istanbul

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